Begleitlehrehrinnen und Begleitlehrer Aufenthalt in Irland (siehe auch Lehrkräfte/ Kunden Referenzen am Seitenende)

Das Language Exchange Ireland Programm soll nicht nur für ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler, sondern auch für sie zu einem großartigen und einprägsamen Erlebnis werden.

Wir wissen, dass sie als Begleitpersonen verantwortlich für ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler sind, und sie jederzeit erreichbar sein müssen, falls es zu Problemen kommt. Aber wir werden sie in allen Belangen unterstützen und dafür sorgen, dass sie auch Zeit für sich haben, um etwas zu unternehmen. Irlands Südosten bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten. Es gibt viele interessante Plätze zu entdecken. Fahrrad-, Autoverleih, und Angebote für Tagesausflüge stehen zur Auswahl.

Wir ermöglichen ihnen ihren privaten Freiraum und falls sie Rat oder Unterstützung brauchen, sind wir jederzeit erreichbar.


Wo wohnen Begleitpersonen in Irland?

Begleitlehrkräfte können sich aussuchen, ob sie in einem Hotel, einem B&B oder einem Guesthouse untergebracht werden… wir informieren sie über die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten.

Warum Irland?

Irland ist ein englischsprachiges Land mit leicht zu verstehender Sprachfärbung. Unser Land ist berühmt für seine Freundlichkeit und herzliche Willkommenskultur.

Das Language Xchange Ireland Team…

- Hat viel Erfahrung mit Sprachprogrammen für Schülerinnen und Schüler.

- Bietet einzigartige Englisch Lernprogramme. Aufgrund des hohen Qualitätsstandards buchen Schulen immer wieder bei uns.

- Überprüft sehr sorgfältig alle Freiwilligen Praktikumsplatzanbieter und Gastfamilien.

- Hat durchgehende Sicherheitsstandards.

- Unterstützt Schülerinnen, Schüler und Lehrkräfte rund um die Uhr, wenn sie in Irland sind.

- Hat transparente Kostenaufstellung. Es tauchen keine versteckten Kosten auf.

- Hält gleich nach der Ankunft in Irland ein Orientation Meeting für alle ab.

- Bittet Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer um Feedback zu Praktikumsanbietern und Gastfamilien, um dies für zukünftige Auswahl mitberücksichtigen zu können.

- Stellt Zertifikate über die Arbeitserfahrung in einem englischsprachigen Betrieb aus.

Im Orientation Meeting bekommen Schülerinnen und Schüler wertvolle Informationen bezüglich der Erwartungen von Language Xchange Ireland und den Praktikumsanbietern an sie. Sie machen sich vertraut mit der geografischen Lage ihrer Unterkunft, ihres Praktikumsplatzes und bekommen erste Einblicke in die irische Kultur. Eine (österreichische) Lehrkraft bezeichnete dieses Orientation Meeting einmal als „Unterweisung, bei der sie etwas fürs ganze Leben lernen “...

Was unterscheidet uns von den anderen Anbietern?

  • Wir kommen zuerst zu ihnen. Wir können uns in ihrer Institution, in ihrem Land, vorstellen. Schon bisher haben wir unsere Programme in Schulen und Kollegs in Österreich, Polen, Schweden, Norwegen und Finnland vorgestellt.

  • Struktur. Unsere strukturierten mehrstufigen Englisch Lernprogramme, bestehend aus einem E-Learning Paket plus Freiwilligen Praktikum/ Business English Sprachschule/ Sommer Sprachschule/ Business English für Erwachsene/ Praktikum plus irische Gastfamilie plus Gesellschafts- und Kulturabende und Aktivitäten verbessern Alltags- und berufsbezogenes Englisch.

  • Teil unseres Programms sind unterhaltsame Gesellschaftsabende, genauso wie kulturelle Veranstaltungen. Besonders beliebt bei Jugendlichen sind Gokart fahren, Bowling und Irish Dance. Die beliebtesten Kulturfahrten sind Dublin mit einem Besuch der Guinness Brauerei und Hook Head Lighthouse und Strand.

Welche Praktikumsplätze bieten wir an?

Derzeit bieten wir Praktikumsplätze in folgenden Arbeitsbereichen an

  • - Hotel und Catering, Cafe, Restaurant, Bar
  • - Fabrik und produzierende Industrie
  • - Pferdezentrum, Landwirtschaft, Gartencenter
  • - Museum, Kunstgalerie, Tourismus
  • - Buchhaltung und Büroarbeit bei Anwaltskanzleien, Immobilienmakler u.a.
  • - Kinderbeaufsichtigung und Kindergarten (für beide ist ein polizeiliches Führungszeugnis vorzuweisen)

    Sollten sie Interesse an einem nicht aufgezählten Praktikumsplatz haben, fragen sie uns danach. Wir sind sehr gut vernetzt vor Ort und haben ein breites Angebot an Anbietern für Praktikumsplätze.

    Bitte beachten sie folgende wichtige Hinweise:

    1. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an allen LXI Programmen ist, dass ein Versicherungsschutz durch ihre Schule gewährleistet ist. Wenn Schülerinnen und Schüler an einem Praktikum teilnehmen, muss sichergestellt sein, dass sie als Praktikanten an einem Arbeitsplatz versichert sind. Eine allgemeine Reiseversicherung ist nicht ausreichend. Die Praktikumsplatzanbieter haben keine Versicherungen für sie.
    2. Die Schule und Begleitlehrkräfte sind dafür verantwortlich, dass die Versicherungspolizzen gültig sind. LXI übernimmt keine Verantwortung über die Richtigkeit der Angaben. LXI macht auch keine Übersetzungen.
    3. Die begleitenden Lehrkräfte sind dafür verantwortlich, dass die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer rechtzeitig eine korrekte, gültigen Versicherungspolizze auf die Database hochladen, damit die Praktikumsanbieter diese abrufen können. Die Lehrkräfte sind auch dafür verantwortlich, dass die Praktikanten eine Kopie der Versicherungspolizze am ersten Arbeitstag des Praktikums zum Arbeitgeber mitbringen.
    4. LXI verlangt auch, dass alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer private Gesundheits- und Reiseversicherungen abschließen, um unvorhergesehene medizinische Versorgung in Irland abzudecken. Bitte bringen sie unbedingt eine EU Health Insurance Card (e-card) mit. Diese Karte garantiert Kostenübernahme oder Kostenersatz bei Arztbesuchen, Krankenhausbehandlungen und einigen Zahnarztleistungen.

    What other teachers say about their experience with Language Xchange Ireland....

    "LXI: Highly Recommended!

    We sent 3 students from a vocational high school in France, for a 4-week work placement in Kilkenny and Thomastown. It was a great experience for our students because it was the first time they did a work placement in an English speaking country. The companies chosen by LXI perfectly suited our students' profiles. So, our 3 trainees enjoyed their workplaces, as well as their host families, and appreciated the social and cultural events planned by the organization. I would like to add that, as a teacher, I particularly appreciated that LXI manages everything: the placements, the accommodation, the outings, the transports, etc... What I would also like to highlight is that Con Furey is a person you can rely on. Despite some issues we encountered,such as the difficulty in getting a visa for one of our students, a problem of booking, a red level weather alert, a flight cancellation ... Con immediately reacted and assisted us.

    Needless to say that we are looking forward to working again with Language Xchange Ireland for a new project."

    Dominique, English teacher from a French Vocational School

    "We've just come back from an unforgettable trip to Kilkenny/Clonmel. Our students worked in various placements and have all benefitted enormously from putting their English skills into practice at their workplace. Work Experience in an English-speaking country is a perfect opportunity to improve your language skills and enhance your professional skills at the same time. We will definitely come back! "

    Katrin (Teacher at a business high school in Austria)

    "We booked a combined one-week Business English Course and a two-week Work Placement Programme in the office environment for a group of students at our vocational college. We had chosen LXI as our host organisation because LXI provides exactly the services we wished to be offered for our Erasmus+ programme. After accompanying our students to Ireland, we are favourably impressed by the programme LXI carried out on-site. The free e-learning package enabled our students to prepare themselves properly for their stay in Ireland. We started the programme in Ireland with a one-week Business English course as we wanted to give our students the opportunity to improve their English language skills, enhance their social skills and life skills, and, last but not least, settle in before doing their work placements. We were very satisfied with the schedule and social events during this first week of our stay, as our students had lots of opportunities to speak English and interact with Irish people. In retrospect, we think that this Business English course was perfectly suited to preparing for work placements. The two-week work placements were also an excellent opportunity to improve English language skills, enhance life skills and particularly to gain some international business experience. In our opinion, staying with an Irish host family is a very important part of the whole programme, too, because it enables you to get to know the Irish hospitality, the everyday life of an Irish family, the Irish culture and provides you with lots of opportunities to speak English. Furthermore, we enjoyed the social and cultural events very, very much. Everything ran smoothly during our stay, therefore, we can definitely recommend LXI for the organisation of customised Business English courses and work experience programmes combined."
    (Teachers: Marianne, Matthias - German school, May 2016)

    "As teachers in a technical college located in France, we strongly recommend Language Xchange Ireland as a host organization. We have worked together for the first time as part of a Leonardo Project and it was a real success on a business, social and cultural level. The organization welcomed our 26 students together with 4 group leaders for 3 weeks and offered us top quality services. They provided an e-learning program prior arrival which was perfect to better prepare and assess the students and then placed them in suitable work placements and in caring, experienced host families. We thank them for taking charge of our transfer from and to the airport. This really made our life easier. We also emphasize on Language Xchange Ireland’s professional expertise by offering us a continuing support to deal with homesick issue or any difficulties that we went through. We are grateful for all social activities they organized. These enjoyable and pleasant moments enabled us to discover new places and learn more about Irish culture while helping us to settle in. Ireland with its beautiful landscapes, lovely and welcoming inhabitants will assuredly charm you. Living in Kilkenny city was very positive. It’s a safe, dynamic and gorgeous city. Its small size makes convenient to visit businesses and arrange social gatherings. In this short period of time, the students established strong relations with the local environment to an extent that some wished to stay while others have already planned to go back in a near future. For all these positive points, we are looking forward to work again with Language Xchange Ireland and keep on improving our collaboration. Do not think twice! Ireland is the place to go!" (Marianne G., Denis P. and Dimitri Dalpin-Louis, French School, September 2014)

    "I really found the experience of bringing my students to Ireland on this work placement programme to be excellent. The fact is that on previous years we used to go to the UK but not anymore. We always took it for granted that we got good service there but the service we got in Ireland from Con and Kieran was way higher than anything we got in the UK. Those guys in Ireland really know how to offer a programme, from being picked up in the airport, their orientation, the placements and host families being within 10KM of each other (all of our students were within 10KM of each other). They really looked after us, students and teachers alike. We are planning our next trip for 2012. Thanks guys". (Mrs. Anna Mariniak, Poland, March 2010)

    "With Language Xchange Ireland (LXI), we found the appropriate partner for our work placement project. It has been the first time for our school participating in such a programme but definitely, it won't be the last. LXI found the perfect employers and probably the nicest host families for our students. The orientation meeting with the students at the very beginning of our stay was essential and important for the success of this project. Everyone enjoyed their stay in Ireland and none would have liked to miss the experiences we made. The project was the perfect mixture of fun, education, training and getting to know Ireland and its folks. Incidently, everyone improved their English skills. For us, it was a really cool adventure which we will never forget for the rest of our lives. So, thanks a million to Con, Kieran and LXI. I am really looking forward to seeing you again for our next project". (Mr. Michael Pfeifer, Austria, October 2011)

    "We are a Commercial High school in Vienna Austria, offering different programmes ranging from Information Technology to Quality Management as well as International Business. Doing work experience abroad is an essential part of the IB program, we used the services of Language Xchange Ireland (LXI) in June 2010. We had 19 students and 2 teachers from the school and we stayed for 2 weeks in the South East of Ireland. LXI provided a very unique product which we could only experience in the UK before we discovered LXI. We were met at the airport on arrival and received an Irish welcome. From there our coach brought us to Clonmel where our host families were awaiting our arrival. Following a detailed orientation on Sunday, each of the students were brought individually to their work placement on Monday morning. As we require our students to gain experience in a company and to do some work abroad, LXI seems to be the ideal partner for us. The work placement programme is a very different product than the traditional language school and definitely builds students' confidence and their ability to communicate in English. On the Second weekend we were brought on a One day cultural trip and during the week we had an evening in Bowling and on the final day we were brought to the airport and assisted right up the point of airport security at departure. Throughout our stay LXI were very flexible and willing to assist with any issues that arose. Their product is also quite flexible and they are willing to evolve to meet the needs of the groups, work placements and host families. Overall we were very happy with LXI and have booked 35 students and 2 teachers to come to Kilkenny and Clonmel in June 2011. Earlier this month, Con Furey visited our school in Vienna and spent 30 minutes answering questions to our 2011 group. This was very much appreciated by our students and the school and re-inforced our confidence in this unique company and product. It is my ambition to bring another group of 20+ students to Kilkenny in 2012". (Mag. Silvia Hirschler, Head of Work Experience Program, Austria, November 2010)

    "This letter is written to express my full satisfaction with the services provided by Language Xchange Ireland (LXI), 54 Berekley Lawn, Thomastown, Co.Kilkenny, Ireland, organising and supervising a work experience program for my students in Clonmel, Ireland.
    After a personal presentation of the program at my Business College in Vienna, the internship was organised in a very professional manner. LXI selected the work placements and host families according to the interests and skills of my students. The whole trip was customized to our needs. We spent 2 weeks in Clonmel, my students worked in different companies and stayed with host families. As they had to fill in a detailed application form in advance, LXI was well informed about our group and matched the work placements with the host families accordingly. It was our first stay in Ireland and everything worked out perfectly well. We were picked up at the airport and Mr. Quigley's personal support was more than one could expect from an organiser of a Language Exchange program. In addition to the internship, LXI offered us a variety of additional activities to choose from (different trips, Irish dancing etc). I intend to continue my business relationship with LXI as it is compulsory for our students to take part in a work experience program and I was more than satisfied with our first stay. Furthermore, I will recommend LXI to other business colleges in Austria. I can thoroughly recommend LXI for the organisation and supervision of internships and tailor made work experience programs". (Mag. Inge Koch - Polagnoli, Vienna, June 2012)

    Why choose Ireland? - Our school, Secondary School for Catering and Tourism Celje, Slovenia is a vocational school and one of the reasons for our decision to go for a work placement in Ireland was certainly the language. Our teachers and of course also our students are very much aware of the fact that having an opportunity to use English in an authentic environment, professionally and in everyday situations is the best way to learn a foreign language. Prior to coming to Ireland students were prepared through online Language Xchange Ireland support, which turned out to be very useful for them. The agency LXI offered to provide accomodation with families, which made the learning environment for our students even more intercultural. Students were exposed to the real life situations also when they finished their work. Cultural tours, social and fun activities; bowling, bodhran lessons were also a part of Ireland experience and very much enjoyed by the students. Placements in hotels and catering environments, cafes, bars, offices were carefully chosen, students were assisted at their work, but after a while they were also able and trusted to work on their own. Good relationships among the employees contributed to the general impression of acceptance and a warm, welcoming hospitality. The LXI agency was also prepared to respond to our needs and fulfilled our aims in terms of gaining intercultural, professional and language competences and be involved in the process of life-long learning, which is the idea of Erasmus+ projects.

    " The Team @ Language Xchange Ireland are the 1st Work Placement Partner company in Ireland & the UK, for Erasmus / PON, to be awarded three Certificates of excellence under ISO World Wide Standards; ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 45001 Health & Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental Management. " LXI prepare your students for future employment and improve their English too! "

    LXI takes the WORKLOAD off Teachers when preparing for a group Work Placement / Experience Program, in Ireland;-
    i) Profiles & CV's are completed on line by the student and reviewed by LXI. Advice emails are sent directly to your student.
    ii) Frequently Asked Questions are available on line 24/7.
    iii) LXI provide an exclusive online "Program Preparation" e-learning package; to prepare your students for the work environment, for speaking English in Ireland and or the amazing adventure ahead of them.
    iv) LXI have an online diary available to all students, teachers and host families with a schedule of events - 24/7.
    All of the above can be accessed via a phone, tablet or lap top 24hrs a day.
    v) During their stay in Ireland LXI offer 24hr a day support and emergency call out service. "

    Visa requirements for entry to Ireland

    Short term language students notice